English Language Arts, Grade 5
This comprehensive language course covers relevant reading, writing, and grammar objectives for 5th grade students. These objectives are cycled throughout the year on increasingly deeper levels of understanding.
This class has two sessions available. Please choose one when enrolling.
Tuesdays at 4 pm, Eastern Standard Time
Wednesdays at 2 PM, Eastern Standard Time
Language Arts for 5th graders meets once per week for an hour over Zoom. During class, students can expect to discuss grade-level reading assignments and receive direct instruction for reading and writing objectives. Outside of class, students complete weekly grammar, reading, and writing assignments. Reading assignments vary from fiction, nonfiction, and poetry with an emphasis on novel studies. Students receive a list of discussion questions to keep in mind while they read the assigned section.
Writing assignments range from one paragraph responses to a 2-page research report that takes multiple weeks. Assignments include responding to reading, adventure stories, argument essays, a news article, a research report, nature journal entries, and an original Greek myth.
Grammar lessons are completed independently and include simple quizzes to check for understanding. True comprehension of grammar goals is observed organically in student writing. Grammar lessons focus on complete and detailed sentences, types of sentences, root studies, parts of speech, and punctuation rules.
This class is designed for the average 5th grade student, but will challenge and support all levels of learners with specific, personal feedback from the teacher. The workload averages 30 minutes-1.5 hours, 3-4 times per week. Observer involvement in reviewing teacher feedback and assisting student pacing is highly encouraged.
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
D'aulaires Book of Greek Myths (A digital copy is available for students)
Adaptations by Monika Davies
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
PLUS teacher provided articles and resources