High School Literary Analysis Writing

No kind of writing we ask of students is more difficult than literary analysis. It requires an ability to read analytically and insightfully and to communicate thoughts with clarity, subtlety, and persuasion. This course is designed to help students learn the basics of this challenging kind of writing. Students who have taken Essay Writing 2 will have had some exposure to literary writing. This class drills down deeper and is an essential class for the college bound.



    Students who complete this writing course will be able to…

    • value literature and literary writing.

    • identify major elements of narrative writing.

    • identify major elements of poetry.

    • read a short story and a poem carefully and analytically.

    • create an original thesis statement about a work of literature.

    • defend a literary thesis using various types of textual evidence.

    • draft literary papers with attention to their organization and content.

    • employ various techniques customary to literary analysis essays.

    • respond to feedback on their writing through revising and proofreading.