Maria Veres
Maria Veres has spent twenty years helping writers find their voices. She teaches creative writing classes and leads private workshops and retreats for writers of all genres and skill levels. As a homeschool mom, she couldn’t find a curriculum that inspired for the reluctant writer in her household, so she invented her own. She believes that writing is a gift that belongs to all of us, and her mission is to help others find as much joy in the written word as she does.
Maria is the author of three books of poetry, with a fourth book in progress. She has also written content for several magazines and websites, including Edmond Outlook, Her Nexx Chapter, and Make A Living Writing. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in English, and she has served in leadership roles with several writers’ organizations. She is a frequent speaker at regional writers’ gatherings.
Originally from Colorado, Maria now lives in the Oklahoma City area but still visits the mountains whenever she can. When she isn’t writing or reading, she enjoys nature walks, amateur cell-phone photography, and experimenting with new ways to cook lentils.