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Middle School Writing 1A, Semester

This sixteen-week writing class gives middle school students an opportunity to practice basic concepts in sound writing skills. The course begins with an 8-week review of sentence and paragraph writing and then offers two, three-draft storytelling assignments. This is both to give students confidence and to avoid alienating students who would be in need of a refresher. The course is designed with the average 5th or 6th grader in mind, but is also appropriate for older students in need of a review of writing fundamentals.



    Students who complete this writing course will be able to…

    • compose complete sentences.

    • create logically organized paragraphs.

    • write for a variety of purposes, including narration and description.

    • respond to coach feedback on their writing through revising and proofreading.

    • demonstrate a grasp of basic writing concepts such as unity, conciseness, and clarity.

    • engage the writing process by employing the following five steps in composing every paper: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, publishing.

    • demonstrate comprehension of basic usage and mechanics rules in their writing.

    • improve their writing across a wide range of broad evaluative areas, including content, style and form.