Pat Eickman
Pat Eickman was hooked on reading with her first Dick and Jane, and hooked on writing soon after. When she grew up, she became a newspaper journalist, a splendid occupation for somebody who’s interested in everything! Some years later, Pat became an English teacher, her profession for approximately 30 years until her retirement.
During her teaching career, Pat taught everything from English as a Second Language to honors English courses to middle and high school students in Southern California. A National Board Certified Teacher, she also taught several summers with the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth program.
As a writing coach, Pat most enjoys watching students develop essays, step by step, until they become the perfect expression of what they wanted to say—maybe even more than they knew they wanted to say! She believes that thinking logically and carefully, distinguishing the shades of meaning in our language, and pondering the significance of life events are all parts of the writing experience.
When she is not teaching writing, Pat might be substitute teaching in her old school district or volunteering in community activities. She enjoys visiting her grandchildren, reading, sewing, quilting, and weaving.