“This is my last homeschooler. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you started WriteAtHome. Thanks for your diligence. This program has really helped my son....It is quite an accomplishment when you impress my son! No one does that easily! He is an athlete and not fond of academics, so thank you for engaging him!”
— Greta Q
“For the record, we LOVE W@H, it’s one of the very best homeschool decisions we’ve ever made. Kids love their coaches, the assignments are interesting, it’s just a perfect writing solution for us.”
— Donna C
“My son took several of your courses throughout his homeschooling. He just finished his first semester at Memphis College of Art and received the highest grade in the school for Writing I. Many thanks to the wonderful coaches at WriteAtHome!”
— Diane
“Do you realize what a gem you have in Mrs. Vest? She is determined to help Z. become the very best writer possible and went so far beyond my expectations. I almost signed Z. up for last year but worried about the money and muddled through on my own. HUGE mistake! Mrs. Vest has in a few short weeks helped so much and made me ashamed that I wasted a year of Z.’s time with my attempts. We are now a devoted family and Z. will be logging in and doing his writing work at WriteAtHome for years to come! Keep up the good work because we need your service out here on the front lines of home schooling. I can not wait for the little three boys to be ready to take classes but that is a while off as they are 5, 5, and 3.”
— Jennifer and Z
“Dear Mrs. ——-, Before your class I used to dread writing, and put it off for as long as possible. I never thought I was very good either, and a few of my papers may have ended in tears. But with your wonderfully helpful comments, I now believe I have a glimmer of hope at being a decent writer. Thank you so very much for that wonderful gift! You are a true blessing!”
— a student
“THANK YOU! Once again, we have had a terriffic year with WriteAtHome. My children have far surpassed my writing abilities, thanks to the wonderful instruction they receive. Our son has been following your recommended sequence beginning with 6th grade and is looking forward to Comp 2, Research Paper and Essay 1 for 10th grade. Our youngest is very excited to have another year of WriteAtHome. For both children, WriteAtHome is one of their favorite subjects!”
— Sandra B
“My daughter, in particular, has become a charming and creative writer; I love reading what she comes up with. You would never know how difficult and resistant she was a couple of years ago. It’s truly amazing!”
— Drusha M
“I just had to drop a line to let you know how much both of my boys are thriving in their writing classes. The instructors are absolutely amazing!
P.S. My daughter can’t wait until she is old enough to take your classes. :)”
— Kelly B
“After taking your courses, our first daughter, who is in college (and who used to hate writing before WriteAtHome), is studying to be an English/Lit/Writing Teacher and has carried a 3.8-4.0 average, and our other daughter scored a perfect score on the essay writing part of the SAT. Thank you, teachers of WriteAtHome!”
— Cynthia F
“I wanted to give you an update on J—. He took the SAT’s at age 13 in January and scored a whopping 760 out of 800 points on the Critical Reading Section, 1st place in the State of Maryland, scoring higher than 98% of high school seniors across the country. He also scored 655 in Writing.
The reason I am telling you this, other than unabashed pride, is that I strongly feel that he scored so well, in part, due to the rigorous curriculum that WriteAtHome offered and also due to the great feedback from his writing coaches. Reading and writing are flip sides of the same coin. Your assignments were varied and purposeful, and the coaches helped him to think analytically about the written word. Please forward this to all of J—’s writing coaches. I am most appreciative of their time, consistency, and expertise. J—’s scores are testimony to the strength of your program and the quality of your coaches.”
— Marla C
“I am B.’s mum and homeschool teacher. Before this workshop comes to an end, I would like to thank you, and let you know how thrilled I have been with this experience! We have waited anxiously every week to get your comments! Your coaching has been just the inspiration, and the reassurance, that both of us were needing. I think this workshop has lifted B.s confidence, and gotten him over a big hurdle in his writing by showing him that he has something to say, and he is fully capable of saying it well…on paper! And it’s not just his mother who thinks so, or who picks at the details to make it better! For me, as his only previous “writing coach,” it has reassured me that we’ve been on the right track. I always struggle with the question of how much to intervene, how much to help him so that the standard is high, but it is still his writing, not mine. I’ve read your comments with great interest and relief, feeling that what I’ve done before has been OK because he seems to be managing this just fine. … B. will definitely take more classes through WriteAtHome. My daughter (who, in contrast to B., loves to write!) is anxious to take a WriteAtHome course, as well.”