You Probably Don't Know This Word...

Answer this question before checking the definition below. You’ll find the answer all the way at the bottom.

If a computer technician says that a particular program is deleterious, he means it might...

A) erase files     B) harm the computer   C) be very useful     D) be difficult to use

By the way, the word is pronounced del-uh-TEER-ee-us. Of course, you don’t need to pronounce it on the SAT!

deleterious: causing or capable of causing harm

Sample sentence: “Dropping jellybeans into the gas tank proved deleterious to the car’s engine.”

Exercises: Do as may of the following as you like. The more you do, the better the chance this word will stick.

1. Put it in writing: Use deleterious in at least one original sentence. Write it out in a comment (extra points if it makes me laugh).

2. Antonyms: What might be an antonym for deleterious? (An antonym is a word with the opposite meaning.)

3. Make it real: List at least ten things that are deleterious.

4. Get Artsy: Record a 15 to 30-second video that creatively illustrates the word deleterious.

5. Use It: Take the use-it-or-lose-it challenge: Find a way to consciously use the word deleterious at least three times in conversation today. For example, tell your brother that continuing to bother you will be deleterious to his health.







The correct answer is B. What was your initial guess? Tell us in the comments.


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