High School Research Paper Workshop


This eight-week course is designed to equip students to write a sound research paper, from the initial stages of developing a topic or thesis, through the research and note-taking process, to a revised and polished final draft.

Note: The nature of the Research Paper Workshops makes them valuable to retake as often as you like. By selecting a different paper topic each time, students will benefit from multiple experiences with these courses. We recommend college-bound students complete no less than three formal research papers in their high school years.


Students who complete the course will be able to…

  • Define the various types of research paper.

  • Create a clear and concise topic sentence or thesis statement.

  • Identify and collect appropriate, varied, and useful research material.

  • Use a note card system for taking notes.

  • Organize and outline the paper prior to composing a first draft.

  • Properly cite sources in the paper according to MLA standards.

  • Create a properly-formatted works cited page.

  • Draft and revise an informative and/or persuasive research paper.

  • Respond to feedback on their writing through revising and proofreading.