High School History & Social Studies
WriteAtHome offers two tracks of study for high school history, Classical and Conventional.
Click here to learn more about the two tracks.
Click here to learn more about the difference between live and self-paced history classes.
Click here to learn how WriteAtHome history and social studies work.
Annual History Courses:
$579/year (live)
$249/year (self-paced)
Semester Social Studies:
$299/semester (live)
$149/course (self-paced)
Classical History Track
Self-Paced Only
Click on the image to learn more.
This high school history class surveys the events, ideas, and culture of ancient civilizations of the world, from the Fertile Crescent to the Roman Tetrarchy in 300 CE. This class is intended for 9th and 10th graders and ambitious 8th graders.
This high school history class surveys the events, ideas, and cultures from Constantine in the 4th Century CE to the Fall of Constantinople in the 15th Century, primarily focused on the developments and issues of Western Civilizations, with forays into the Far East.
This high school history class surveys the events, ideas, and cultures from the 15th Century through the mid-19th Century, primarily focused on the developments of Western Civilizations, with forays into the Far East.
This high school history class covers the period of history from roughly 3000 BCE to the end of the Cold War.
Conventional History Track
Live and Self-Paced
Click on the image to learn more.
This high school America History class is a college preparatory history class that focuses on The History of English Settlement in North America, the U.S. War for Independence, the formation of the U.S. Government, the Civil War and Reconstruction Era and the 20th Century.
This World Literature class introduces high school students to literature from the world beyond America and Great Britain. NOTE: World History is only available as a live class.
Enrolling the same student in more than one annual course? Click above to learn more about our Bundle and Save!
Semester Social Studies Classes
Live and Self-Paced
Click on the image to learn more.
WriteAtHome Economics introduces students to the basic concepts of economics and the historical context in which they arise and develop.
The WriteAtHome Government semester course is meant to provide an introduction to the United States system of government within the historical context of its formation and development and major influences from historical political theory.